Friday, April 9, 2010


Eczema, is a red, flaky skin irritation, sometimes with cracking or patchy small blistering. In eczema, skin symptoms may develop as a rash, typically known as dermatitis, or inflammation of the skin (dermis). The rash is typically patchy and starts out as flaky and/or scaly dry skin on top of a red foundation of inflamed skin.

types of eczema

Atopic dermatitis, the most common, is caused by general systemic allergic reactions, as opposed to contact with an irritant. It is very common in people with related allergic conditions, including asthma or chronic hay fever.

Infantile seborrhoeic eczema (infantile eczema or baby eczema), also known as cradle cap, forms on the head and quickly spreads. It looks like normal dermatitis, but does not itch. Over time, baby eczema goes away on its own.

Adult seborrhoeic dermatitis usually affects individuals between the ages of 20 and 40 years. It affects the scalp, face, and upper body.

eczema symptoms

  • early symptom of eczema may include intense itching of the skin
  • in eczema, skin symptoms may develop as a rash typically appears known as dermatitis, or inflammation of the skin (dermis). The rash is typically patchy and starts out as flaky and/or scaly dry skin on top of a red foundation of inflamed skin.
  • as the rash develops and grows, the itching and burning may intensify
  • often when scratched, the wound will ooze and become crusty
  • some cases develop with red bumps that may include clear fluid-filled
  • as the skin becomes less elastic and more tight, painful cracks can develop over time often with blood when located in the inside of joints and on the torso or neck.
  • the itching may be so intense that insomnia can develop

eczema treatment

Although western medicine recommends the use of steroids for the main treatment of eczema, this is a very short sighted approach. We have seen cases of eczema that were confirmed as most likely chronic life long cases reverse and clear up completely. For this to be affective, we would point out several key components.

Diet: diet is the number one key to long term eczema management. Start with the removal of all allergens. If you do not know the individual's allergens that is suffering from eczema, find them out and remove them. All of them. We have seen fairly good results with tests such as the Great Smokies labs allergy panel. Remove all sugar, coffee, alcohol, chocolate.

Candida is a key hurdle in eczema treatment. Clear up the body of Candida, and the body will be that much closer to healing itself of eczema. There are many good resources online. Remember that when working with Candida, as the diet clears up, there may be flair ups of symptoms. If you cut food out of the diet, and symptoms flair up, it is a good thing as the Candida is dying, and when it is processed out of the body, the body will be at a greater level of health. For this reason, many people find it easier to slowly remove items from the diet in stead of changing all at once.

Supplements: Omega 3 oils, vitamin E, Milk Thistle, Spirolina, and body specific formulas via either naturopathic or herbal means.

Remember that when you are working with eczema, it is a gift. For so many illnesses, there is no way of knowing if the disease is getting better or worse. With eczema, it is right there on the surface. Feedback about diet is instantaneous in many cases. The symptoms of eczema are easy to see, and thus your body can become the healer as you listen and try and do what it says.