You can cleanse your body and determine your personal requirement for vitamin C by performing a vitamin C flush. Vitamin C is one of the most important vitamins your body requires. Of all animals, only humans, apes and guinea pigs can't produce vitamin C. The only way to get vitamin C is through diet.

When you have a vitamin C deficiency, you can develop scurvy. Scurvy was prevalent during the age of exploration when the great sailing ships crossed the Atlantic ocean. The sailors would make sure to leave port with a barrel of lemons or other citrus fruits to supplement their vitamin C requirements while on their voyage.
Role of Vitamin C
Vitamin C has many important roles in the body, including its main role of supporting the building of collagen within the tissues. When damage occurs to the body, vitamin C helps rebuild the tissue and minimize scarring associated with the injury. Vitamin C also supports the immune system. It helps your body fight infections and reduces the effects of environmental pollutants. It also helps your body deal with stress.
Nobel Laureate Dr. Linus Pauling was perhaps the best known advocate of the benefits of vitamin C. According to Pauling, vitamin C can help fight the effects of aging, fight cancer and provide support for healing of all the body's cells. Vitamin C may also be able to kill harmful bacteria, viruses, fungi and parasites within the body when present in sufficient concentrations. Finally, vitamin C helps fight the effects of influenza, allergies and chemical exposure.
Effects of a Vitamin C Flush
Vitamin C not only helps the body respond to damage due to free radicals, chemical pollutants and infections, but it also aids in the cleansing and detoxifying the body. When the body doesn't eliminate all of the waste through the colon, toxins from the trapped waste begin to enter the body through the intestinal walls and make you sick. Cleansing the bowel and getting rid of the trapped waste products is one cure for ailments and symptoms.
Vitamin C helps stimulate the body to expel waste and thus can provide relief from the troublesome symptoms of toxicity. By performing a vitamin C flush, you can promote the cleansing of your bowels and determine your body's daily requirement for vitamin C. Your personal requirement for vitamin C changes depending on age, stress, environmental exposure and illness.
Perform Your Own Flush
You don't have to go to a doctor to perform a flush based on vitamin C. All you need is a glass, water, a timer and a bottle of powdered vitamin C (also called ascorbic acid). In most cases you will need approximately 4 hours to perform the cleanse. It is a very quick cleanse and can be repeated as needed every month if desired. You should expect your vitamin C requirement to change over time depending on your body's needs, so repeating the cleanse may be worthwhile just to determine this requirement alone.
Begin the cleanse first thing in the morning before you eat. Mix one teaspoon full of powdered vitamin C into a half glass of water and drink or sip it over the next few minutes. Repeat this step every 15 to 30 minutes. Keep track of how many times you do this.
Continue drinking the vitamin C until you need to use the bathroom. You are looking for the bowel to pass a watery stool. The consistency should be similar to the look of tapioca. Once this occurs, you can stop drinking the vitamin C. The flush is finished. The next time you go to the bathroom after the cleanse, your stools may still be a bit watery, but this should clear up quickly.
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Determining Your Vitamin C Requirement
Count the number of glasses that you drank before the watery stool and multiply this number times the number of milligrams of vitamin C in each teaspoon. Multiply the number of milligrams required for the flush by 0.75 to arrive at the number of milligrams of vitamin C your body needs everyday.
Using Vitamin C
You should try to maintain the appropriate level of vitamin C supplementation on a daily basis. To be most effective, you should take your supplement in doses equally spaced throughout the day, in about four equal portions.
Vitamin C reaches its peak concentration in the blood within about 2 hours and it cannot be stored. It passes from the body within three to four hours, so it is important to continually replenish the vitamins passing from your body. Keeping the vitamin C levels at your body's optimum level will ensure that your body has the resources to fight any infection that comes along. Supplement regular doses of vitamin C with a periodic vitamin C flush and you may find yourself healthier and happier.
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